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Stoneridge Equestrians horseback riding boarding and leasing

Daria Nordness          Head Instructor & Owner

Stoneridge Equestrians horseback riding boarding and leasing

Daria has been a riding instructor and trainer since 1987 and a CHA Certified* Instructor since 1990.  I love what I do and do what I love!

Stoneridge Equestrians horseback riding boarding and leasing

It all started with a pony ride at the local "fair."  At 6 years old, I learned how to ride and do gaming on ponies.  When I turned 16, I participated at a local Girl Scout Camp as a Wrangler In Training (WIT).  That was where I got my first taste of being an instructor and caring for horses.  I knew that I wanted to work with horses and people and felt the best way for me to educate myself was to learn from others.


While I had one main trainer, I also studied under others.  I took in information about Western Pleasure/Equitation, Reining, Gaming, Natural horsemanship, English, Jumping, and Dressage.  I was always reminded "there are over a hundred different ways to teach & train the same thing" and that the best thing I could do is learn from as many other trainers/instructors as possible.


I continue to expand my horsemanship and horse knowledge so that I am able to pass this information on to my students.  My goal is to teach all of my students all they want to know about horses and to help them learn the best way to communicate with horses, whether it's their own or one of ours.


* for more information on Certified Horsemanship Association visit

Daria Nordness       Lead Trainer & Owner

Stoneridge Equestrians       Copyright 2019

All rights reserved.

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